Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Expectations ... !!

That word scares me. I have promised myself so many times that I will let go of expectations. I am ashamed to admit that I have tried and failed on numerous counts. Certain situations, certain people, certain surroundings will coax you into expecting that much more than you should normally be expecting.

As most of us know, expecting a lot disappoints sometimes. But expecting a lot less may not always be the right way of going about things. For example, before I got married, I used to get worked up when my then-girlfriend-now-wife couldn't meet for a long time or not meet at all. After analyzing the cause, I backed off and I didn't put a lot of pressure on myself and her. It looked like a solution but then I started getting surprised whenever we met which isn't that most amazing thing in the world.

That's the problem with expectations. You never know how much or what to expect. But in most of the cases, you can escape by expecting less (again, less does not mean way below what you should be expecting). Only a few days back, I experienced this feeling when I had lost all hopes of something (I don't want to write about it) happening. But it happened and at the very last moment. It made my day.

Henceforth, I am not playing games with expectations. I will always lose. Cheers ... !!


Vikash Kumar said...

Yes I have also tried and failed in this game.. I always try not to expect and still end up expecting; and that doesn't do me good all the time, but ya its not that bad as well.. in fact its kind of fun and being realistic "part of life" :)

Unknown said...

expectations are a game...
even tho u kno ur gonna lose..i guess at times..its fun playing..:)

ya threshold shud not be too high...else...one might end up going into depression...(saying this frm personal experience..:) )

newez..nicely written...